Kitten Care at Tulare Veterinary Hospital

Welcoming a new kitten into your family is an exciting time, but it can also bring up many questions and concerns – especially for first time cat owners. At Tulare Veterinary Hospital, we are here to provide guidance for you and your new kitten so that he or she can grow up happy and healthy.

Kittens are more vulnerable to illness as their immune system is still in development. This is why it’s important to bring your new kitten in for their first wellness exam as soon as possible. During the first exam, we will perform a thorough physical examination to look for any underlying health conditions.

The kitten wellness exam is also the perfect time to ask us any questions you have regarding caring for your kitten, such as diet and exercise, behavior issues, or litter box training. We will also discuss the importance of microchipping your new kitten to ensure that they return home safely if they are ever lost. Please visit our page on microchipping to learn more.

Your kitten’s first exam will include:

  • A comprehensive physical exam
  • Customized vaccination program based on your kitten’s lifestyle
  • Intestinal parasite (worms) screening
  • Intestinal parasite (worms) deworming (if necessary)
  • External parasite (fleas) screening and parasite protection
  • Heartworm prevention
  • Recommendations for controlling and preventing external parasite such as flea and ticks
  • Microchipping recommendation
  • Advice on behavior and litter box training
  • Nutritional counseling

Recommended Vaccinations for Kittens

It is recommended that kittens begin their vaccination series between six to eight weeks old and that they continue to receive them every three to four weeks for a total of three vaccinations. If your cat is older than six months when they start their series, they only need a series of two FVRCP-FeLV, and a rabies vaccine. It is also recommended that if you are having your cat boarded at a kennel, they receive a Bordatella vaccination as well. Following is an example of the vaccine protocol for each visit:

1st Vax FVRCP-FeLV Vaccination

  • Dewormer
  • Recommend FeLV test
  • Kitten Pack – introduces flea control, parasite prevention
  • Microchipping, and spay/neutering information
  • Complimentary bag of food

2nd Vax FVRCP-FeLV Vaccination

  • Recommend FeLV Test (if not previously done)

3rd Vax FVRCP-FeLV Vaccination

  • Recommend FeLV test (if not previously done)
  • Rabies vaccination (if 12 weeks or older)

Preparing for Your First Visit

For your kitten’s first exam, please bring a fresh stool sample (ideally less than 12 hours old) and any health information provided to you by the seller or shelter, such as previous vaccinations or deworming. For your kitten’s safety and the safety of others, please arrive with your kitten in a secured pet carrier. If you have any questions about your kitten’s first wellness exam or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (559) 686-8544.

Hospital Hours

MONDAY :  8:00am – 5:30pm
TUESDAY :  7:00am – 5:30pm
WEDNESDAY :  6:00am – 1:00pm
THURSDAY :  8:00am – 5:30pm
FRIDAY :  6:00am – 2:30pm
SATURDAY :  Closed
SUNDAY :  Closed